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Накратко за сайт newfoundland-bg.com
Almost my entire adult life I spent in the company of a dog. I never imagined how to live without this unique creature of nature.While my peers were playing pure childish games, I usually was at the park with my dog ??(German Shepherd) for it to play …
So one day I saw a creature that struck me with his presence, grace, majesty, dignity … It was a Newfoundland! As I stood stunned and could not take away my eyes from him. I wantedto make contact with the owners of the large black dog, but they were inaccessible like there majestic pet.
Over time I realized that I can not raise this breed for a number of reasons.There were no dog’s like this one in Bulgaria. This animal is from another country and does not live here .and then there in that park I promised myself that someday I will have such a dog.
Time passed, but not wash away the image of Newfoundland from my head. I remember the promise I gave to myself.15 years later I bring my first Newfoundland in that park …